- lynne@knowledgeproblem.com

Research and Education
Applied economics research in electricity regulation, competition, technology, history, political economy, and public policy. This research forms the foundation of educational programs with students, regulators, and policy makers.
I research ... Competition Markets Regulation Technology
Recent Work
Sreekumar, Akshay, Adhithyan Sakthivelu, and Lynne Kiesling. 2023. “Auction Theory and Device Bidding Functions for Transactive Energy: A Review.” Current Sustainable/ Renewable Energy Reports. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40518-023-00217-2.
Sreekumar, Akshay, Adhithyan Sakthivelu, Rimvydas Baltaduonis, Lynne Kiesling, Seth Hoedl, and David P. Chassin. 2023. “A Real-Time Limit Order Book as a Market Mechanism for Transactive Energy Systems.” IEEE PES Conference Paper (selected as one of the best conference papers). https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2305.11464.
Schwidtal, Jan Marc, Proadpran Piccini, Matteo Troncia, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Mehdi Montakhabi, Christina Francis, Anna Gorbatcheva et al. 2023. “Emerging business models in local energy markets: A systematic review of peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy models.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 179: 113273. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2023.113273.
Theisen, Alexander, Lynne Kiesling, and Michael Munger. 2022. “From Airbnb to Solar: Market Platforms as Local Sharing Economies.” Public Choice, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11127-022-00985-3.
Burnett, J. Wesley, and L. Lynne Kiesling. 2022. “How Do Machines Predict Energy Use? Comparing Machine Learning Approaches for Modelling Household Energy Demand in the United States.” Energy Research and Social Science, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2022.102715.

The Essential Ronald Coase. Vancouver, BC: Fraser Institute, 2021
Greif, Avner, Lynne Kiesling, and John VC Nye, editors. Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization: Essays in Economic History and Development. Princeton University Press, 2015
L. Lynne Kiesling and Andrew N. Kleit, editors. Electricity Restructuring: The Texas Story. Washington, DC: AEI Press, 2009
Deregulation, Innovation, and Market Liberalization: Electricity Restructuring in a Constantly Evolving Environment. Routledge Studies in Business Organizations and Networks. London: Routledge, 2008
Mays, Jacob, Michael T. Craig, L. Lynne Kiesling, Joshua Macey, Blake Shaffer, and Han Shu. “Private Risk and Social Resilience in Liberalized Electricity Markets.” Joule, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2022.01.004
Capper, Timothy, Anna Gorbatcheva, Mustafa A. Mustafa, Mohamed Bahloul, Jan Marc Schwidtal, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Merlinda Andoni et al. 2022. “Peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy: A systematic literature review of local energy market models.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 162: 112403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112403.
Arlt, Marie-Louise, David P. Chassin, and L. Lynne Kiesling. “Opening up Transactive Systems: Introducing TESS and Specification in a Field Deployment.” Energies, 14(13): 3970- 3992, 2021 https://doi.org/10.3390/en14133970
Littlechild, Stephen, and L. Lynne Kiesling. “Hayek and the Texas Blackout.” Electricity Journal, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2021.106969
Plug-and-Play, Mix-and-Match: A Capital Systems Theory of Digital Technology Platforms. Review of Austrian Economics, 2020
Power Plant Thermal Efficiency as a Regulatory Mechanism: Implications for Emission Rates and Levels. Energy Policy 134, 2019 (joint with J. Wesley Burnett)
Toward a Market Epistemology of the Platform Economy, Advances in Austrian Economics, 2018
Implications of Smart Grid Innovation for Organizational Models in Electricity Distribution, Wiley Handbook of Smart Grid Development, 2016
Regulation, Innovation, and Experimentation: The Case of Residential Rooftop Solar, Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations (Upton Forum, Beloit College), forthcoming (joint with Mark Silberg)
Competitive Joint Venture Ownership of Networks as an Alternative to Regulation, in Arnold Picot, Massimo Florio, Nico Grove, and Johan Kranz, eds. The Economics of Infrastructure Provisioning: The (Changing) Role of the State. MIT Press, 2015 (joint with Federico Boffa)
Introduction, in Avner Greif, Lynne Kiesling, and John Nye, editors. Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization: Essays in Economic History and Development. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015
Knowledge Problem, in Peter Boettke and Christopher Coyne, eds., Oxford Handbook on Austrian Economics, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2015
Incumbent Vertical Market Power, Experimentation, and Institutional Design in the Deregulating Electricity Industry, Independent Review 19:2 (2014): 239-264
Mirror Neuron Research and Adam Smith’s Concept of Sympathy: Thee Points of Correspondence, Review of Austrian Economics 25(4) (2012): 299-313
Regulation’s Effect on Experimentation in Retail Electricity Markets, Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations Volume IV (2011-2012)
The Knowledge Problem, Learning, and Regulation: How Regulation Affects Technological Change in the Electric Power Industry, Studies in Emergent Order 3(2010): 149-171
Promoting Innovation in the Electricity Industry, Economic Affairs (June 2010): 6-12
Introduction, in Lynne Kiesling and Andrew Kleit, eds., Electricity Restructuring: The Texas Story, Washington, DC: AEI Press, 2009 (joint with Andrew Kleit)
Retail Restructuring and Market Design in Texas, in Lynne Kiesling and Andrew Kleit, eds., Electricity Restructuring: The Texas Story, Washington, DC: AEI Press, 2009
Markets, Technology and Institutions: Increasing Energy Efficiency Through Decentralized Coordination, Project Energy Code, EcoAlign white paper series, Issue 2, 2009
Decentralized Coordination through Digital Technology, Dynamic Pricing, and Customer-Driven Control: The GridWise Testbed Demonstration Project, Electricity Journal 21 (October 2008): 51-59 (joint with David Chassin)
Achieving Decentralized Coordination in the Electric Utility Industry, The Utilities Project, Volume 8, 2008
D. Hammerstrom, Ambrosio, R., Brous, J., Carlon, T., Chassin, D., DeSteese, J., Guttromson, R., Horst, G., Järregren, O., Kajfasz, R., Katipamula, S., Kiesling, L., Le, N., Michie, P., Oliver, T., Pratt, R., Thompson, S., and Yao, M. Pacific Northwest GridWise™ Testbed Demonstration Projects, Volume I: The Olympic Peninsula Project. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy, 2007
An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Automated Mitigation Procedures on Investment and Prices in Wholesale Electricity Markets, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 31 (2007): 313-334 (joint with Bart Wilson)
The Role of Retail Pricing in Electricity Restructuring, in Andrew Kleit, ed., Electric Choices: Deregulation and the Future of Electric Power. Rowman and Littlefield, 2007
Post-Blackout Transmission Policy: A Dynamic 21st-Century Grid,” in Andrew Kleit, ed., Electric Choices: Deregulation and the Future of Electric Power. Rowman and Littlefield, 2007 (joint with Michael Giberson)
Retail Electricity Deregulation: Prospects and Challenges for Dynamic Pricing and Enabling Technologies, Annual Review of Regulation, Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth, Northwestern University, May 2007
L’électricité, est-elle un bien public? Révue de l’OFCE 101 (2007): (joint with Evens Salies and Michael Giberson)
Using Economic Experiments to Test Electricity Policy, Electricity Journal 18 (November 2005): 43-50
Analyzing the Blackout Report’s Recommendations: Alternatives For A Flexible, Dynamic Grid, Electricity Journal 17 (July 2004): 51-59 (joint with Michael Giberson)
The North American Blackout and Electricity Policy: Alternatives to Transmission Construction, Economic Affairs 24 (March 2004): 53-57
Standard Market Design in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Can FERC’s Proposed Structure Adapt to the Unknown? Electricity Journal 16 (March 2003): 11-19 (joint with Brian Mannix)
Institutional Change and Contestability: Electricity Transmission Policy, Technology, and Entry Barriers. Proceedings of the U.S. Association of Energy Economics, October 2002 (joint with Adrian Moore)