- lynne@knowledgeproblem.com
Public Speaking
Lynne is a frequent public speaker to a variety of audiences and in multiple formats (conference presentations, speeches, panel discussions, roundtables, podcasts), on a range of topics including
- Markets and regulation in a digitizing electricity industry
- Transactive energy
- Market structure and industrial organization in energy and technology
- History of energy technologies
- Markets, market design, and distributed knowledge
- … and even 18th century history of economic thought!
Lynne’s YouTube channel provides videos of some of her live and virtual presentations on these topics.

I speak on ... Energy Technology Markets Regulation History Ideas
Selected Presentations
“From Airbnb to Solar: Electricity Market Platforms as Local Sharing Economies.” Public Choice Society March 2018, British Institute of Energy Economics September 2018
“Incumbent Vertical Market Power, Experimentation, and Institutional Design in the Deregulating Electricity Industry.” International Society for New Institutional Economics conference, June 2014
“Electricity Regulation in an Environment of Technological Change and Competitive Retail Markets: Implications of the Bell Doctrine and Economic Experimentation.” Society for the Development of Austrian Economics conference, November 2013; Public Choice Society conference, March 2013; Southern Economic Association conference, November 2012
“Beneficial Complexity: A Field Experiment in Technology, Institutions, and Institutional Change in the Electric Power Industry,” International Society for New Institutional Economics annual meeting, June 2009; International Association of Energy Economics annual meeting, June 2009; Research Roundtable, Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth, Northwestern University, June 2009
“Smart Policies for a Smart Grid: Enabling a Consumer-Oriented Transactive Network,” Harvard Electricity Policy Group quarterly workshop, March 2009
“Retail Dynamic Pricing and Enabling Technologies in the Electric Power Industry: Applying Complexity Principles to Policy.” Dynamics & Complexity in People & Society Workshop, Northwestern University, October 2007
“Retail Dynamic Pricing and Enabling Technologies in the Electric Power Industry: A Field Experiment in Institutions and Technology.” Ford Center seminar, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, October 2007
“Bringing the Electric System Into the Information Age: GridWise Interoperability Principles,” Carnegie Mellon University Electricity Conference, March 2007
“Bringing the Electric System Into the Information Age: The Evolution of Technology, Policy, and Markets,” Modern Grid Initiative Grid Modernization Summit, November 2006
“Competitive Joint Venture Ownership of Networks as an Alternative to Regulation.” International Industrial Organization Conference, April 2006
“Reliability Insurance and the Value of Flexibility in the Changing Electric Power Industry.” Carnegie Mellon University Conference on the Valuation of Distributed Monitoring and Sensing, January 2006
“Demand Response: Progress and Barriers.” MIT Center for Energy and Environment Policy Research Fall Workshop, November 2005
“Electric Network Reliability As A Public Good.” Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, November 2005
“Capacity Markets.” Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Technical Conference on Capacity Markets in PJM, June 2005
“Has ‘Deregulation’ Benefited Consumers?” Global Energy Management Institute-University of Houston, June 2005
“Experimental Economics and Demand Response in the U.S.” International Energy Agency, April 2005
“Experimental Economics and Electric Power Market Design Research in the U.S.” Ecole Normale Supérieur d’Electricité, Paris, April 2005
“Electric Network Reliability As A Public Good.” Carnegie-Mellon University Conference on Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, December 2004
“Energy and Ethics: A Market Process Experiment.” University of Notre Dame Energy and Ethics Conference, October 2004
“Investment Incentives and Dynamic Efficiency in Electricity Markets: An Experimental Analysis.” International Society for New Institutional Economics Annual Meetings, October 2004
“Market Processes: An Experiment, and the Basics.” Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Summer Study Session, August 2004
“Electric Network Reliability As A Public Good.” U.S. Association of Energy Economics Annual Meetings, July 2004
“Environmental Regulation and the Transactional Boundary of the Firm: Regulatory Change, Vertical Integration, and Firm Profitability in Petroleum Refining, 1990-2001 .” International Association of Energy Economics Annual Meetings, October 2003
“Environmental Regulation and the Transactional Boundary of the Firm: Regulatory Change, Vertical Integration, and Firm Profitability in Petroleum Refining, 1990-2001.” International Society for New Institutional Economics Annual Meetings, September 2003
“Institutional Change and Contestability: Electricity Transmission Policy, Technology, and Entry Barriers.” International Association of Energy Economics Annual Meetings, June 2002
“Compensation and Market Mechanisms: The Future of the Utility and Regulatory Model,” National Conference on Electricity Policy Annual Conference, December 2020
“Integrated Engineering and Economic Theory for Transactive Energy: Governance in Digitized Electricity Systems,” IEEE Transactive Energy Systems Conference, December 2020
“Governance in Digitalized Electricity Systems: The Economics of Transactive Energy,” INFORMS Annual Conference, November 2020
“Cooperation in Economic Systems: Transactive Energy Systems for Decentralized Coordination,” Gruter Institute Conference, October 2020
“Governance in Digitized Electricity Systems: The Economics of Transactive Energy,” Center for Governance and Markets, University of Pittsburgh, October 2020
“What Can Blockchain Do For Transactive Energy Economics and Governance?” IEEE-Colorado Blockchain Working Group, University of Colorado-Boulder, February 2020
“Implications of Distribution Grid Digitization and Transactive Energy: A Transaction Cost Economics Analysis,” SLAC National Laboratory, January 2020
“Energy and Prosperity: Innovation in Technology and Regulation,” Fraser Institute (Canada), October 2019
“Economic Value of Interoperability and Standards,” NARUC Center for Partnerships and Innovation, September 2019 (video link)
Friedberg Institute of Economics (Israel), September 2019: “Spontaneous Order (video link),” “How Markets Benefit the Environment (video link)”
“Technological Dynamism, Markets, and Prices: Implications for the Utility of the Future and Regulation for the 21st Century,” Financial Research Institute Advanced Seminar for Regulators, September 2019
“From Airbnb to Solar: Toward a Transaction Cost Model of a Retail Electricity Market Platform,” Adam Smith Institute (UK), September 2018 (video link)
“Technological Dynamism, Markets, and Prices: Implications for the Utility of the Future and Regulation for the 21st Century,” Financial Research Institute Advanced Seminar for regulators, September 2018
“The Economics of Transactive Energy Distribution Platforms,” Austin Electricity Conference, University of Texas, April 2018
“Adam Smith’s Relevance to Digital Innovation and the Platform Economy,” Adam Smith Week, College of Charleston, March 2018 (video link)
“Adam Smith’s Influence on Nobel Laureates: Ronald Coase,” Panel Discussion, Adam Smith Week, College of Charleston, March 2018 (video link)
“From Airbnb to Solar: How Digital Technologies and Platforms are Transforming the Electricity Industry,” Ball State University, February 2018
“Decentralized Markets and Innovation in Electricity: Smart Grid and Renewable Resources,” Classical Liberalism Speaker 2016-2017, Whitman College, March 2017
“Transactive Energy,” Electricity Advisory Committee, U.S. Department of Energy, June 2016
“Can Vertical Disintegration, Deregulation, and Innovation be a Win-Win‐Win for Electricity Markets?” Michael Beesley Memorial Lecture, Institute of Economic Affairs (UK), November 2014
“Understanding the Effects of 20th Century Regulation on 21st Century Experimentation in Electricity Markets,” Upton Forum, Beloit College, November 2014
“Teaching the Economics of Tradeable Emission Permits,” Upton Forum, Beloit College, November 2014
“Public Choice: Politics Without Romance,” Institute for Liberal Studies (Canada), August 2014
“Markets, Institutions, and Economic Growth,” Institute for Liberal Studies (Canada), August 2014
“How Markets Benefit the Environment,” International Students for Liberty Conference, February 2014
“Adam Smith and Jane Austen: Themes of Design and Control in Emma ,” International Students for Liberty Conference, February 2014
“Regulation and Experimentation in the Electricity Industry,” Michigan State University, September 2013
“Knowledge Problem,” Students for Liberty Chicago Regional Conference, November 2012
“Regulation, Competition, and New Technology Adoption: Applying the Bell Doctrine to Retail Electricity Markets,” Great Lakes Symposium on Smart Grid, Illinois Institute of Technology, September 2012
“Regulation’s Effect on Experimentation in Retail Electricity Markets,” Upton Forum, Beloit College, October 2011
“Electricity Regulation, Policy, and Innovation,” Summer Institute on Sustainability and Energy, University of Illinois-Chicago, August 2011
“Promoting Innovation in the Electricity Industry,” campus lecture, Berry College, November 2010
“Promoting Innovation in the Electricity Industry,” campus lecture, St. Lawrence University, April 2010
“Promoting Innovation in the Electricity Industry,” Michael Beesley Memorial Lecture, Institute of Economic Affairs (UK), October 2009
“Electricity Restructuring in Texas.” Mercatus Center Staff Retreat for Texas Legislative Staff, July 2008
“Innovations in Electricity Pricing, Technology, and Regulation,” Lifelong Learners Course Series, Northwestern University, October 2007
“The Interaction of Regulation, Markets, and Technology: Consumer Empowerment in the Electric Utility Industry,” Moor Lecture Series, Capital University, March 2007
“The Interaction of Regulation, Markets, and Technology: Consumer Empowerment in the Electric Utility Industry,” Clarke Forum Speaker Series, Dickinson College, February 2007
“Experimental Economics for Demand Response Market Design and Education,” Midwest Demand Response Initiative, February 2007
“Experimental Economics and Electric Power Market Design Research in the U.S.,” École Supérieure d’Éléctricité (Supélec), April 2005
“U.S. Regulatory Change and Demand Response: Experimental Evidence.” Mexican Energy Commission, May 2004
“Electricity Deregulation in the U.S.: Update.” Institute of Economic Affairs, London, June 2002